
(as Principal Investigator and/or Advisor)


*** 2007: ***


  1. Jiang, L., B. Zhu, X. Rao, G. Berney, and Y. Tao. 2007. Discrimination of Black Walnut Shell and Pulp in Hyperspectra1 Fluorescence Imagery using Gaussian Kernel Function Approach. J. of Food Engineering, 81(1):108-117.
  2. Zhu, B., L Jiang, and Y. Tao. 2007. 3D Shape Enhanced Transform for Automatic Apple Stem-End/Calyx Identification. Optical Engineering, 46(1):017201.
  3. Jiang, L., B. Zhu, H. Jing, X. Chen, X. Rao, and Y. Tao. 2007. Gaussian Mixture Model Based Walnut Shell and Meat Classification in Hyperspectral Fluorescence Imagery. Trans. of ASABE, 50(1):153-160.
  4. Zhu, B., L. Jiang, F. Jin, L. Qin, and Y. Tao. 2007. ICA-kNN based Optimal Wavelength Selection and Walnuts Shell and Meat Differentiation under Fluorescence Hyperspectral Imagery. Sensing and Instrumentation for Food Quality and Safety. Springer. (accepted).
  5. Vogel, A., M. Hassan, F. Amyot, V. Chernmordik, B. Dasgeb, S. Demos, R. Pursley, R. Little, R. Yarchoan, Y. Tao, and A.H. Gandjbakhche. 2007. Using Non-Invasive Multi-Spectral Imaging to Quantitatively Assess Tissue Vasculature. Journal of Biomedical Optics, (Submitted).
  6. L.Qin, P.van Gelderen, F.Jin, Y.Tao and J.H.Duyn. 2007. Prospective head movement correction for high resolution MRI using an in-bore optical tracking system. ISMRM, May 2007.
  7. Jiang, L., K. Siddiqui, Y. Tao, and E. Siegel. 2007. Sinogram Restoration for Low-dose X-ray Helical CT by Nonparametric Regression. SPIE Medical Imaging 2007, San Diego, CA.
  8. Zhu, B., L. Jiang, Y. Luo, and Y. Tao. 2007. Gabor Feature-Based Apple Quality Inspection Using Kernel Principal Component Analysis. J. of Food Engineering, 81(4):741-749.


*** 2006: ***


  1. Kim, J., Tao, Y. and Luo, Y. 2006. Effect of the combination treatment of 1-methylcyclopropene and acidified sodium chlorite on microbial growth and quality of fresh-cut cilantro. Postharvest Biol. Technol.  (Accepted)
  2. Jin, F., H. Jing, L. Qin, X. Chen, and Y. Tao. 2006. Geometrical calibration of a combined 3D laser and X-ray imaging system. SPIE. Vol. 638 (2006):11-21.
  3. Cheng, X. Y. Tao, YR Chen, and X. Chen. 2006. Integrated PCA-FLD Method for Hyperspectral Imagery Feature Extraction and Band Selection. IEEE Proceedings on Medical Imaging: Macro to Nano. Vol.2006 (2):1384-1387.
  4. Rui-Cruz S., R. Gonzalez, Y. Luo, Y. Tao, G. González, 2006. Effect of Acidified Sodium Chlorite Applications on Microbial Growth and the Quality of Shredded Carrots. J of Food Science. JSFA-05-0312. Vol 86: 1887-1893.
  5. Zhu, B., L. Jiang, Y. Luo, Y. Tao, and X. Cheng. 2006. 3D Surface Reconstruction and Analysis in Automated Apple Stem-end/Calyx Identification. International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence. (In peer review).
  6. Vargas, A.M., M.S. Kim, Y. Tao, A.M. Lefcourt, YR Chen, Y. Luo, Y. Song. 2006. Hyperspectal Imaging Detection of Strawberry contamination. J. of Food Engineering. (In peer review).
  7. Jin, F., L, Qin, X. Rao, Y. Tao. 2007. Classification of walnut shell and meat using rotation invariant features and self-organizing map. Trans. of ASABE. (In review).
  8. Vogel, A., B. Dasgeb, M. Hassan, F. Amyot, V. Chernomordik, Y. Tao, S.G. Demos, K. Wyvill, K. Aleman, R. Little, R. Yarchoan, and A.H. Gandjbakhche. 2006. Using Quantitative Imaging Techniques to Assess Vascularity in AIDS-Related Kaposi’s Sarcoma. IEEE International Conference of the Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, August 2006, 232-235.
  9. A. Vogel, M. Hassan, F. Amyot, V. Chernomordik, B. Dasgeb, S.G. Demos, R. Little, R. Yarchoan, Yang Tao, and A.H. Gandjbakhche. 2006. Using Multimodality Imaging Techniques to Assess Vascularity in AIDS-Associated Kaposi's Sarcoma. OSA Biomedical Optics Topical Meeting, March 2006, SG2.


*** 2005: ***


  1. Allende-Prieto, A., J. McEvoyb, Y. Tao, and Y. Luo, 2005. Antimicrobial  effect  of  sodium hypochlorite, acidified  sodium  chlorite, sodium chlorite and citric acid on Escherichia coli O157:H7  and natural  microflora  of  intact  and sliced cilantro. International Journal of Food Microbiology. (Accepted).
  2. Ma, L. and Y. Tao. 2005. An Infrared and Laser Range Imaging System for Non-invasive Estimation of Internal Temperatures in Cooked Chicken Breasts. Trans. of ASAE, Vol. 48(2):681-690.
  3. Vargas, A., M. Kim, Y. Tao, A.M. Lefcourt, Y. Luo, Y.R. Chen, 2004. Detection of fecal contamination on cantaloupes using hyperspectral fluorescence imagery. Journal of Food Engineering. Vol.70(8-2005):471-476.
  4. Kim, J.G., Y. Luo, Y. Tao, R.A. Saftner, and K.C. Gross. 2005 (as co-author). Effect of initial oxygen concentration and film oxygen transmission rate on the quality of fresh-cut romaine lettuce. Journal of the Science of Food Agriculture. Vol. 85(2005):1622-1630.
  5. Kim, M., A.M. Lefcourt, Y.R. Chen, and Y. Tao. 2005. (as co-author). Automated Detection of Fecal Contamination of Apples Based on Multispectral Fluorescence Image Fusion. J. of Food Engineering, Vol. 71(1): 85-91.


*** 2004: ***


  1. Tao, Y., Z. Chen, and C. Griffis. 2004. Chick feather pattern recognition. IEE Proc – Vision, Image and Signal Processing. Vol. 151(5): 337-344.
  2. Cheng, X., Y.R. Chen, Y. Tao, C.Y. Wang, M.S. Kim, A.M. Lefcourt. 2004. A noval integrated PCA and FLD method on hyperspectral image feature extraction for cucumber chilling damage inspection. Trans of ASAE. 47(4):1313-1320.
  3. Tao, Y., X. Chen, H. Jing, X. Cheng, A. Vargas. 2004. Imaging modalities for quality and safety inspections. CIGR International Conference, Beijing, China. Oct 11-14. (Invited paper).
  4. Vargas, A.M., Y. Tao, M. Kim, A.M. Lefcourt, Y. Luo, Y.R. Chen. 2004. Safety Inspection of Fruit and Vegetables Using Optical Sensing and Imaging Techniques. Written for presentation at the 2004 ASAE Annual International Meeting Sponsored Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. August 31- July 4, 2004.
  5. Tao, Y., A. Vargas, M. Kim, A.M. Lefcourt, Y.R. Chen, Y. Luo, R.L. Buchanan, Y. Song. 2004. Safety Inspection of Fruit and Vegetables Using Optical Sensing and Imaging Techniques - Hyperspectral Fluorescence Imaging System for Food Safety. JIFSAN Annual Conference. College Park, Maryland. November, 2004.


*** 2003: ***


  1. Tao, Y. 2003. Fruit Transport System. In Book: Encyclopedia of Agricultural, Food, and Biological Engineering. 2003. ISBN: 0-8247-4266-4. Marcel Dekker, New York (Invited; Peer Reviewed).
  2. X. Cheng, Y. Tao, Y. R. Chen, and Y. Luo. 2003. NIR/MIR dual-sensor machine vision system for online apple stem-end/calyx recognition. Transactions of ASAE. Vol. 46(2):551-558.
  3. Ying, Y.,H.Jing, Y. Tao, and N. Zhang. 2003. Detecting stem and shape of pears using Fourier transformation and an artificial neural network. Transactions of ASAE. Vol. 46(1):157–162.
  4. Tao. Y. 2003. Fruit Transport System. In Book: Encyclopedia of Agricultural, Food, and Biological Engineering. 2003. Marcel Dekker Publishing. ISBN: 0-8247-4266-4. (peer reviewed).
  5. H. Jing, X. Chen, Y. Tao. 2003. Geometrical calibration and integration of laser 3D and x-ray dual systems. ASAE International Annual Meeting, Las Vages, NV. August 27-31, 2003. ASAE Paper No. 036191. The American Society of Agricultural Engineering, St. Joseph, MI
  6. H. Jing, X. Chen,Y. Tao. 2003. Analysis of factors influencing the mapping accuracy of x-ray and laser range images in a bone fragment inspecting system. ASAE International Annual Meeting, Las Vages, NV. August 27-31, 2003. ASAE Paper No. 033086. The American Society of Agricultural Engineering, St. Joseph, MI.
  7. Ma, L., Y. Tao, and H. Jing,. 2003. An Infrared and Laser Range Imaging System for Real-time Estimation of Internal Temperature in Chicken Breast after Cooking. ASAE International Annual Meeting, Las Vages, NV. August 27-31, 2003. ASAE Paper No. 036183. The American Society of Agricultural Engineering, St. Joseph, MI.
  8. Cheng. M. Y. Tao, Y.R. Chen, D. Chan. 2003. Hyperspectral imaging and feature extraction methods in fruit and vegetable defect inspection. ASAE International Annual Meeting, Las Vages, NV. August 27-31, 2003. ASAE Paper No. 033119. The American Society of Agricultural Engineering, St. Joseph, MI
  9. Chen. X., H. Jing, Y. Tao, L. Carr, F. Wheaton. 2003. Real-time detection of physical hazards in de-bonded poultry using high-resolution X-ray imaging. ASAE International Annual Meeting, Las Vages, NV. August 27-31, 2003. ASAE Paper No. 033084. The American Society of Agricultural Engineering, St. Joseph, MI.
  10. Chen, X. H. Jing, Y. Tao. 2003. High-resolution real-time X-ray and 3D imaging for physical contamination detection in de-boned poultry meat. Photonics East. The International Society for Optical Engineering. Providence, RI. Oct. 2003.


*** 2002: ***


  1. Tao, Y. and Z. Wen. 2002. Machine Vision Techniques for Defect Inspection on Fruit Packing Lines. In Book: Advances in Bioprocessing Engineering. ISBN:981-02-4696-x. World Scientific Publishing, London (Peer Reviewed).
  2. Tao, Y. and Z. Wen. 2002. High-speed Machine Vision for On-line Sorting of Fresh Fruit and Vegetables. In Book: Advances in Bioprocessing Engineering. ISBN:981-02-4696-x. World Scientific Publishing, London (Peer Reviewed).
  3. Tao,Y. X. Cheng, Y.R. Chen, and Y. Luo. 2002. NIR/MIR dual-sensor vision system for apple defect and stem-end/calyx on-line recognition. Acta Horticulture. Vol.599:343-349.
  4. Ibarra, J.G., Y. Tao, L. Newberry, Y. R. Chen. 2002. Learning vector quantization for color classification of diseased Air Sacs in chicken carcasses. Trans. of ASAE. Vol. 45(5): 1629–1635.
  5. Tao, Y. and Z. Wen. 2002. Machine Vision Techniques for Defect Inspection on Fruit Packing Lines. In Book: Advances in Bioprocessing Engineering. World Scientific Publishing. ISBN:981-02-4696-x. vol.(1).:91-123 (peer reviewed).
  6. Tao, Y. and Z. Wen. 2002. High-speed Machine Vision for On-line Sorting of Fresh Fruit and Vegetables. In Book: Advances in Bioprocessing Engineering. World Scientific Publishing. ISBN:981-02-4696-x. vol.(1):69-90 (peer reviewed)
  7. Tao, Y. 2002. Machine Vision and Productivity: Techniques and collaborations in fruit/food quality sorting, X-ray detection of hazardous materials in foods, and other high-speed machine vision on-line inspections. Forum on Ag & Bio System Engineering Development Strategy. Yangling, China June 26. Invited by the Minister of Agriculture of China and Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineers.
  8. Tao, Y. 2002. Machine vision and imaging for inspection of agricultural materials. Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China, June 28. Invited by Zhejiang University, China.


*** 2001: ***


  1. Tao, Y. 2001. Photonics in Fruit and Vegetable Quality Assessment. Critical Review. In Book: Optics in Agriculture 1990-2000. Vol. CR80. pp.65-100. ISBN: 0-8194-3884-7.Marcel Dekker, Inc. New York. (Invited)
  2. Chen Z. and Y. Tao. 2001. Food safety inspection using “from presence to classification” object-detection model. Pattern Recognition. Vol. 34(2001) 2331-2338.
  3. Chen Z. and Y. Tao. 2001. Multi-resolution local multi-scale contrast enhancement of X-ray images for poultry meat inspection. Applied Optics. Vol. 40(8):1195-2000.
  4. Chen Z. and Y. Tao. 2001. Subband correlation characteristics of Daubechies wavelet representation. Optical Engineering. Vol. 40(3):362-371.
  5. Chen Z., Y. Tao, and X. Chen. 2001. Wavelet-based adaptive thresholding method for image segmentation. Optical Engineering. Vol.40(5):868-874.
  6. Tao Y., Chen Z., H. Jing, and J. Walker. 2001. Internal inspection of deboned poultry using x-ray imaging and adaptive thresholding. Trans. of ASAE. Vol.44(4):1005-1009.
  7. Tao, Y., X. Chen, and H. Jing. 2001. Integrated techniques for accurate detection of bone fragments. 36th National Meeting on Poultry Health and Processing. Oct.17-19, 2001. Ocean City, MD. (Invited).
  8. Cheng, X. and Y. Tao. 2001. Infrared Imaging and Wavelet-Based Segmentation Method for Apple Defect Inspection. ASAE paper 01-3109.
  9. Chen X. and Y. Tao. 2001 Minimum-Error Thickness Compensation for X-ray Inspection of Deboned Poultry Meat. ASAE paper 01-3062.
  10. Jing, H. and Y. Tao. 2001. Scattering Laser Line Image Recovery for 3D Poultry Meat Processing. ASAE paper 01-3161.


*** 2000: ***


  1. Tao, Y. and J. Ibarra. 2000. Thickness invariant X-ray imaging detection of bone fragments in de-boned poultry meat - model analysis. Transaction of ASAE. Vol.43(2):453-459.
  2. Tao, Y. and J. Walker. 2000. Feather Imaging and Pattern Recognition Method for Sex Separation of Poultry Baby Chicks. Trans. of ASAE. Vol.43(2):461-467.
  3. Tao, Y., J. Shao, K. Skeeles, and Y.R. Chen. 2000. Detection of splenomegaly in poultry carcasses by near UV and color Imaging. Transaction of ASAE. Vol.43(2):469-474.
  4. Wen Z. and Y. Tao. 2000. Dual-Camera NIR/MIR imaging for stem-end/calyx identification in apple defect sorting. Transaction of ASAE. Vol.43(2):446-452.
  5. Ibarra J.G., Y. Tao, A.J. Cardarelli. And J. Shaltz. 2000. Emissitivity Measurement of Cooked Chicken Meat Through Infrared Imaging. Appl. Eng. in Ag. Vol.16(2):143-148.
  6. J. Ibarra, Y. Tao, and H. Xin. 2000. Combined IR imaging neural network method for the estimation of internal temperature in cooked chicken meat. Optical Engineering. Vol. 39(11):3032-3048.
  7. Tao, Y. and J. Gutierrez-Ibarra. 2000. Far-infrared imaging and structured light for doneness assessment in chicken breast. SPIE Vol.4206:27.
  8. Tao, Y. 2000. Photonics in fruits and vegetable quality assessment. SPIE Vol. CR80:04. (Invited).
  9. Getierrez-Ibarra, Y. Tao, L.A. Newberry, and Y.R. Chen. 2000. Simulated optical color correlator for identification of Airsacculitis in poultry. SPIE Vol.4206:29.
  10. Tao, Y. 2000. Combined x-ray and laser imaging for sensitive detection of bone fragments for poultry de-boning lines. July 9-12, 2000. ASAE paper 003144. St Joseph, MI.
  11. Chen, X. and Y. Tao. 2000. High resolution imaging detection of physical contamination in de-boned poultry meat on processing lines. July 9-12, 2000. ASAE paper 003123. St Joseph, MI.
  12. Chen, Z. and Y. Tao. 2000. Contrast enhancement of x-ray imaging and postprocessing for food internal inspection. July 9-12, 2000. ASAE paper 003124. St Joseph, MI.
  13. Jing H. and Y. Tao. 2000. Multiple camera real-time depth detector for poultry meat. July 9-12, 2000. ASAE paper 003126. St Joseph, MI.
  14. Tao, Y., J. Ibarra, and J. Walker. 2000. Far-infrared imaging for high-speed inspection of cooked meat. In Proceeding: USDA Food Safety Consortium Annual Meeting. pp.69-76. Sept.17-19,2000. Fayetteville, AR.


*** 1999: ***


  1. Tao, Y., and Z. Wen. 1999. Adaptive spherical image transform for high-speed fruit defect detection. Trans. of ASAE. Vol. 42(1):241-246.
  2. Wen, Z. and Y. Tao. 1999. Rule-based decision system for apple defect detection and Removal. J. of Expert Systems. Vol. 16(1999): 307-299.
  3. Ibarra J.G., Y. Tao, and J. Walker. 1999. Internal Temperature of Cooked Chicken Meat Through Infrared Imaging and Time Series Analysis. Trans. of ASAE. Vol. 42(5): 1383-1390.
  4. Huang, J., Y. Li, M.F. Slavik, Y. Tao, and G. R. Huff. 1999. Identification and enumeration of Salmonella on sample slides of poultry carcass wash water using image analysis with fluorescent microscopy. Transactions of ASAE Vol. 42(1): 267-273. [Imaging tech part]
  5. Tao, Y. X. Chen, J. Hansong, J. Walker, and A. Waldroup. 1999. Highly sensitive imaging detection of physical contamination in poultry packing lines. In Proceedings of Food Safety Consortium annual meeting. Afton, OK. 64-67.
  6. Tao, Y. J. Ibarra, J. Walker, M. Johnson, and G. Anders. 1999. High-speed inspection of cooked meat using µm-level spectral digital imaging techniques. In Proceedings of Food Safety Consortium annual meeting. Afton, OK. pp68-73.
  7. Tao, Y. 1999.  Sensor-Fused X-ray Imaging System for Contaminant Detection on Food Processing Lines. ASAE paper no. 99-3160. Presented at the ASAE 1999 International Annual Meeting. July 18-21, Toronto, Canada. The American Society of Agricultural Engineering, St. Joseph, MI.
  8. Xin, C. and Y. Tao. 1999. X-ray Absorption Sensitivity of Boneless Poultry Meat and Possible Contamination Materials. ASAE paper no. 99-3178. Presented at the ASAE 1999 International Annual Meeting. July 18-21, Toronto, Canada.
  9. Ibarra, JG.and Y. Tao, 1999.  Neural Network Color Classification of Air Sacculitis in Poultry Carcasses. ASAE paper no. 99-3157. ASAE 1999 International Annual Meeting. July 18-21, Toronto, Canada.
  10. Jing, H. and Y. Tao, 1999.  Real-time High-Resolution 3D Laser Range Imaging of Poultry Products. ASAE paper no. 99-3142. ASAE 1999 International Annual Meeting. July 18-21, Toronto, Canada.
  11. Wen, Z. and Y. Tao, 1999.  Combined Knowledge Base-Neural Network Method for Automated Fruit Defect Inspection. ASAE paper no. 99-3135. Presented at the ASAE 1999 International Annual Meeting. July 18-21, Toronto, Canada.


*** 1998: ***


  1. Tao, Y. 1998. Closed-loop search method for on-line automatic calibrations of multi-camera inspection systems. Trans. of ASAE. Vol.41(5):1549-1555.  [Superior Paper Award, Trans. of ASAE]
  2. Wen. Z. and Y. Tao. 1998. Brightness-Invariant Image Segmentation for On-line Fruit Defect Detection. Optical Engineering. 37(11): 2948-2952.
  3. Wen, Z. and Y. Tao. 1998. Orthogonal codes and cross-talk in phase-code multiplexed holographic data storage. Optics Communications. Vol. 148(3):11-17.
  4. Tao, Y. 1998. Defective object inspection and separation system using image analysis and curvature transformation. United States Patent 5,732,147.
  5. Tao, Y.  1998. Method for Calibration a Color Sorting Apparatus. U.S. Patent 5,799,105.
  6. Tao, Y. A. Cardarelli, J. Bernhardt, F. Lee., and T. Siebenmorgen. 1998. High-resolution machine vision for non-destructive internal inspection of insect damaged rice grains. Rice Research Series, 460:111-116.
  7. Liu, W. Y. Tao, T.J. Siebenmorgen and H. Chen. 1998. Digital imaging method for rapid measurement of rice degree of milling. Rice Research Series, 460:111-116.
  8. Tao, Y, J. Ibarra, J. Walker, and M. Johnson. 1998. High-speed inspection of cooked meat using mm-level spectral digital imaging techniques. In Proceeding of USDA Food Safety Consortium Annual Meeting. Pp. 84-90. Oct4-6, 1998. Kansas City, MO.
  9. Tao, Y., K. Skeeles, and R. Chen. Machine vision inspection poultry disease and enlarged spleen identification. 1998. In Proceeding of USDA Food Safety Consortium Annual Meeting. pp. 97-102. Oct.4-6, 1998. Kansas City, MO.
  10. Tao, Y. 1998. Thickness invariant x-ray imaging detection of physical hazards in poultry meat-model analysis. ASAE paper no. 98-3020. Presented at ASAE annual mtg. July 12-16, Orlando, FL.
  11. Tao, Y. and J. Walker. 1998. Feather imaging and pattern recognition method for sex separation of poultry baby chicks. ASAE paper no. 98-3046. Presented at ASAE annual mtg. July 12-16, Orlando, FL.
  12. Tao, Y., J.Shao, K. Skeeles, and Y.R. Chen. 1998. Detection of poultry disease and enlarged spleen by computer imaging.  ASAE paper no. 98-3017. St. Joseph, MI. Presented at ASAE annual mtg. July 12-16,Orlando,FL.
  13. Wen. Z. and Y. Tao. 1998. Rule-based decision-making for apple defect detection and removal.  ASAE paper no. 98-6107. St. Joseph, MI. Presented at ASAE annual mtg. July 12-16, Orlando, FL.
  14. Wen, Z. and Y. Tao. 1998. Dual-wavelength imaging for on-line identification of stem-ends and calyxes.  SPIE vol. 3460.
  15. Wen, Z. and Y. Tao. 1998. Method of dual-camera NIR/MIR imaging for fruit sorting. ASAE paper no. 98-3043. St. Joseph, MI.  Presented at ASAE annual mtg. July 12-16, Orlando, FL.
  16. Cardarelli, A. J., Y. Tao, J.L. Bernhardt, and F.N. Lee. 1998. High resolution machine vision for non-destructive internal inspection of damaged rice grain. ASAE paper no. 98-6024. St. Joseph, MI. Presented at ASAE annual mtg. July 12-16, Orlando, FL.
  17. Ibarra J.G., Y. Tao. 1998.  Emissivity measurements of raw and cooked chicken meat at mid-infrared. ASAE paper no. 98-3058. St. Joseph. MI. Presented at ASAE annual mtg. July 12-16, Orlando, FL.
  18. Ibarra, J.G., Y. Tao. 1998. Infrared imaging for internal temperature determination in chicken meat after cooking. ASAE paper no. 983065. Presented at ASAE annual mtg. July 12-16, Orlando, FL.
  19. Bansal, R.K., J. Walker, Y. Tao, Y. Li. 1998. A study of high pressure water jet for cutting chicken breast meat. ASAE paper no. 983155. Presented at ASAE annual mtg. July 12-16, Orlando, FL.


*** 1997: ***


  1. Wen, Z. and Y. Tao. 1997. Fuzzy-based determination of model and parameters of dual-wavelength vision system for on-line apple sorting. Optical Engineering, Vol. 37(1):293-299.
  2. Liu, W, Y. Tao, T. Siebenmorgen, H.Chen. 1997. Digital Image Analysis Method for Rapid Measurement of Rice Degree of Milling. Cereal Chemistry. Vol.75(3):380-385.
  3. Wen, Z., Y. Tao, and X. Yang. 1997. Cross talk in phase-coded holographic memory using different types of orthogonal codes. SPIE, Vol. 3137:123-133.
  4. Wen, Z. and Y. Tao. 1997. Intensity compensation for on-line detection of defects on fruits. SPIE, Vol. 3164:474-481.
  5. Tao, Y, J. Ibarra, J. Walker, Y. Li, M. Johnson, Z. Wen, and G. Anders. 1997. High-speed inspection of cooked meat using mm-level spectral digital imaging techniques. Proc. the Food Safety Consortium Annual Meeting,. pp. 49-52. Oct. Kansas City, MO.
  6. Tao, Y, J. Walker, Y. Li, and G. Anders. 1997. Highly sensitive imaging detection physical contamination on poultry packing lines. Proc. the Food Safety Consortium Annual Meeting,. pp. 53-57. Oct. Kansas City, MO.
  7. Tao,Y. 1997. Closed-loop search method for on-line automatic calibrations of multi-camera inspection systems. ASAE paper No. 973147. Minneapolis, MN.
  8. Liu, W, Y.Tao. 1997. Digital Image Analysis Method for Rapid Measurement of Degree Milling of Rice. ASAE paper No. 973028.
  9. Wen, Z. and Y. Tao. 1997. Adaptive spherical transform of fruit images for high-speed defect recognition. ASAE paper No. 973076.
  10. Wen, Z. and Y. Tao. 1997. Intensity compensation for on-line detection of defects on apples. Proc. SPIE, Vol. 3164:474-481.
  11. Wen, Z. and Y. Tao. 1997. Wavelength and threshold selection for multi-wavelength surface defect detection. Proc. Fifth International Symposium on Fruit, Nut, and Vegetable Production Engineering, Davis, CA.
  12. Tao, Y, J. Ibarra, J. Walker, Y. Li, M. Johnson, Z. Wen, and G. Anders. 1997. High-speed inspection of cooked meat using mm-level spectral digital imaging techniques. Proc. the Food Safety Consortium Annual Meeting,. pp. 49-52. Oct. Kansas City, MO.
  13. Tao, Y, J. Walker, Y. Li, and G. Anders. 1997. Highly sensitive imaging detection physical contamination on poultry packing lines. Proc. the USDA Food Safety Consortium Annual Meeting,. pp. 53-57. Oct. Kansas City, MO.
  14. Walker, J., Y. Tao, R. Bansal. C. Griffis, Y.LI, M. Slavik. 1997. Mechanical Stripping of Meat from Non-eviscerated Chicken Carcasses. In Proc. USDA Food Safety Consortium, Kansas City, MO, pp.24-27, 11/1997.


*** 1996 - 1989: ***


  1. Tao, Y. 1996. Spherical transform of fruit images for on-line defect extraction of mass objects. Optical Engineering. Vol. 35(2):344-350.
  2. Tao, Y. 1996. Methods for Sorting Objects Including Stable Color Transformation. United States Patent 5,533,628.
  3. Tao, Y., B. Liu, L. Chance. 1996. On-line vision recognition system for apple defects and stem-end/calyx distinction. St. Joseph, MI. ASAE paper no. 96-3039.
  4. Tao, Y., L. Chance, B.Liu. 1996. A vision defect sorting system for apple packing-line removal. St. Joseph, MI. ASAE paper no. 96-3070 .
  5. Tao, Y., C.T. Morrow, P. Heinemann, H.J.Sommer III.1995. Fourier-based separation technique for shape Grading of potatoes using machine vision. Trans. of ASAE. Vol.38(3):949-957.
  6. Tao, Y., P. Heinemann, Z.Verghese, C.T. Morrow, and J.H. Sommer. 1995. Machine vision for color inspection of potatoes and apples. Trans. of ASAE. Vol.38 (5):1555-1561 .
  7. Tao, Y., L.Chance and B. Liu. 1995. Full-scale machine vision sorting system design - factors and considerations. In: Food Processing Automation. ASAE. Vol. III:14-22.
  8. Tao, Y.  1994. Methods and Apparatus for Sorting Objects by Color. U.S. Patent 5,339,963.
  9. Tao, Y., T.L. Thompson, L.E. Moser, S.S. Waler, T.J. Klopfenstain, J.K. Ward, V.A. Wilkerson. 1991. Hybrid Expert System for Beef-forage Grazing Management. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. Vol.7(2):262-272.
  10. Tao, Y., S.H. Deck, C.T.Morrow, P.H. Heinemann, and H.J Sommer. 1991. Rule-based Automated Machine Vision Inspection of Produce. St. Joseph, MI. ASAE paper no. 91-7003.
  11. Tao, Y., C.T. Morrow, P. Heinemann, and H.J. Sommer III. 1990. Automated Machine Vision Inspection of Potatoes. St. Joseph, MI. ASAE paper no. 90-3531.
  12. Tao, Y., C.T. Morrow, P. Heinemann. 1990. Inspection of Fruits and Vegetables Using Machine Vision. Northeast Agricultural and Biological Engineering conference. ASAE Paper No. NABEC-90-p1.
  13. Morrow, C.T., P. Heinemann, H.J. Sommer, Y.Tao, Z. Verghese, 1990. Automated Inspection of Potatoes, Apples, and Mushrooms.  Proceedings of International Advanced Robotics Programme, Robotics in Agricultural and the Food Industry. Avignon, France.
  14. Thompson, T.L., Y.Tao. 1989. Hybrid Expert System for Beef-forage Grazing Management. Proceedings of the Society of Computer Simulation International Multi-conference on AI and Simulation.Tampa, Florida. Simulation Series. 20(4):124-128.
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